Synthpop Band

Taess Bright and Nancy Berie

Presents a Synthie-Pop Duo


Swiss Pop Records

Brand New!

Synthesizer und Bühnentechnik von Synthewomia

New Releases


Synthewomia is a Swiss-American Synth Pop Band. Taess Bright gives the Band the Party Feeling and the lightness of Hot South Florida. The clarity and freshness of the Bernese Alps can be felt in her voice. And Nancy Berie is the Rocky and Wild, Wavy Contrast just like California's West Coast and the harsh Swiss Alps. The Two Women feel equally connected both in Switzerland and the USA. Both women were born in Switzerland and have family and musical roots in both countries. Taess Bright and Nancy Berie rock the Stage with lots of Tech. Not as many Synthesizers have been in service since the Days of Jean Michel Jarre. The two Women operate and Master the Old and Famous Nostalgic Synthesizers from the 70s and 80s just as well as the current modern Music Technology and use it to create breathtaking athmo sound with scratchy arpeggio beats. Generous vocoder voices, Sampling, Talk Boxes, crazy new Controllers, Self-developed Instruments with analogue Synthesizers, E-Saxophone, Xylosynthesizer, Electronic drum sets, Simmons SDS drums, Digeridoo and Keytars are just as much a part of the Equipment as classic Keyboards and modern Synthesizers. Taess Bright's unique Power Voice rounds out the richness of this reborn '80s Synthpop Sound beautifully.

next Plays on Radio Station's

Synthewomia on Global X Radio
Synthewomia auf Pinguin Radio
Synthewomia on KFGI Skeeter Radio 101.5.5
Synthewomia on KAFM Radio 88,1 & 96,9
Synthewomia on Radio Rocher

past Radio Airplay's

Prizes won


Euro Indie Music

8th place on Formula Indie

6th place on Euro Indie


Synthewomia works intensively in the studio.

The first album “Lingua Cosmologica” will be released in summer 2024. That's why no concerts are planned yet. Here's the cover of the album.

First Album of Synthewomia 2024

Lingua Cosmologica

Merch Shop

Synthewomia Merch-Shop by Shirtee
Bla bla T-Shirt by Synthewomia
Bla bla Collegejacke by Synthewomia
Bla bla Collegejacke by Synthewomia
Bla bla T-Shirt by Synthewomia

wir bitten um Spenden für Synthewomia

Liebe Fans, Freunde, Helfer, Unterstützer von Synthewomia. nicht nur Spotify und Co. haben das Leben der Musiker und Künstler sehr schwierig gemacht. Gute rentabel Einnahmen mit  virtuellen oder realen Plattenverkäufen zu erzielen ist sehr schwer geworden. Instrumente, Studio Equip, Fahrzeuge, Unterhalt, Reisen zu den Veranstalltungen, Promoten der Songs, Homepage, Software und vieles mehr ist sehr teuer. Ohne Spenden kann keine Band mehr erfolgreich existieren. Desshalb bitten wir Euch uns mit einer Spende zu Unterstützen damit wir weiter gute Musik für Euch machen können. Eure Synthewomia

Donate and Support Synthewomia

Dear fans, friends, helpers, supporters of Synthewomia. It's not just Spotify and Co. that have made the lives of musicians and artists very difficult. Earning good, profitable income from virtual or real record sales has become very difficult. Instruments, studio equipment, vehicles, maintenance, travel to events, promoting songs, homepage, software and much more is very expensive. Without donations no band can exist successfully. That's why we ask you to support us with a donation so that we can continue making good music for you. Your Synthewomia

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Label / Managment

Swiss Pop Records

Dorfstrasse 4c

3506 Grosshöchstetten (BE)


+41 78 317 30 72




Taess Bright:


Nancy Berie

Logo von Swiss Pop Records
Swiss Pop Records

Recording Studios

Red Box Studio

Dorfstrasse 4c

3506 Grosshöchstetten BE



Studio One

Glarc Ave

90808 Long Beach (CA)




Autogrammkarte Nancy Berie
Autogrammkarte Nancy
Autogrammkarte Taess Bright
Autogrammkarte Taess

das ist das Logo von Synthewomia
Synthewomia Logo
das ist das Profil-Logo Synthewomia


Taess Bright
Nancy Berie & Taess Bright
Taess Bright & Nancy Berie
Nancy Berie